What is the Flex Savings Plan?

Wood Pellets Flex Savings Plan

Introduced in February of 2013, the Flex Savings Plan has quickly become very popular among our customers. We understand that buying your annual wood pellet fuel is typically a large purchase, one that may cause financial stress. Therefore, we created this Flex Savings plan to help budget that large annual fuel purchase by making it much easier to save.

So, how does it work?

The Flex Savings Plan allows you to make a monthly deposit in any amount you are comfortable with. This stretches out your wood pellet fuel purchase over months, instead of a single large one-time payment. Each monthly deposit is applied to your personal PelletBucks credit account. You’ll receive an automatic email statement for every deposit that shows your account balance. And when you’re ready to order your wood pellets, your PelletBucks credit amount will be automatically applied to your order balance. No lump-sum payment required. Your wallet will thank you!

What’s the catch? 

No catch. This plan is just a way to help you chip away at your annual fuel purchase. There’s no interest and you can stop at any time. If you do decide to stop for whatever reason…we will refund the money you have paid (minus a 5% electronic handling charge).

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Free Summer Storage Offer Ends 5/30

Organized Garage, Clean Garage, Free Wood Pellet Summer StorageWe certainly can’t organize your garage…but we can save you some space in it this summer!

Buying your pellets this month secures your fuel for the heating season. (See our past blog about reasons for the pellet shortage). 

Buying this month locks in the current price, so you’re protected even if prices change this summer and/or fall. (See our article on what drives wood pellet pricing).

Buying this month gets you free storage this summer.

If we store your pellets for you:

  • You can enjoy your summer without thinking about wood pellets. It was a very long winter…relax now.
  • You can keep the extra space open for your lawnmower, pool supplies, coolers, bikes, kayaks, your kid’s toys (and your toys).
  • We will protect your fuel from the elements for you if you don’t have a garage or shed. You won’t have to worry about properly covering your pellets.

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Wood Bricks: The Hotter, Cleaner Alternative to Cord Wood

What are wood bricks?

woodpellets.com, wood brick fuel, biomass bricks

Wood bricks are a fantastic alternative to burning cord wood.  Made of kiln-dried, super-condensed recycled wood chips and sawdust, they can be burned by themselves or added to cord wood to produce cleaner-burning, longer-lasting heat than cord wood alone. Because they are manufactured for optimal burning, they produce more heat than logs and consistently come with low moisture and high quality.


Why should I switch from cord wood?

Wood Bricks vs. Cord Wood

(click to enlarge)

Convenience: Cords of wood are usually delivered to you in a pile dumped on your lawn or driveway. Then the moving, stacking (and sometimes splitting) follows. Even more time and effort is added if you have to season your logs before use. Also, one pound of biomass bricks is equal to 1.7 pounds of cordwood in terms of how much heat you get. This gives you 70% more room for the same amount of heating fuel!

  • Wood Bricks are delivered in a neat clean packaging on a pallet. Depending on the brand of biomass brick, the ton is typically comprised of 50 packages of 20 bricks. They can remain on the pallet, or the ton can be split up for quick stacking in tight spaces.

Cleanliness: Not only are biomass bricks environmentally clean, but also clean for your home: bricks are bark-free and bug-free. Wood chips and sawdust are the only components in the kiln-fired bricks, which means there is no chance for insects to make homes in them. Firewood can bring a variety of insects such as wasps, ants and beetles into your home. This is why campsites do not allow cord wood to be brought in for campfires.

  • Handy Camping Tip: Packages of biomass wood bricks can be brought camping, and happen to be excellent for campfires. Bricks light quickly, burn clean and burn hot. The hot ash bed alone (which is perfect for cooking food and s’mores over) from burning bricks puts out more heat than a log on fire!

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Cleanfire Douglas Fir – The Cadillac of Wood Pellets

WoodPellets.com has always sold super premium softwood pellets. With more heat and less ash than your typical hardwood pellet, high quality softwood pellets provide a superior burning experience for our customers. But there is one brand of softwood pellets that takes quality to a whole new level – our Cleanfire Douglas Fir.

Introduced in 2012, Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellets are special in many ways. First, these softwood pellets are made from 100% douglas fir material – one of the hottest burning wood species in North America. Check out this chart showing the relative heat output (as measured by BTU/lb) from various wood species.
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20 Ways to Re-purpose or Upcycle Empty Wood Pellet Bags

Earth Day Recycle ChallengeIn honor of Earth Day, we ran a challenge on our Woodpellets.com Facebook page to find out about some uses for empty pellet bags. Some great prizes were given out (a free professional pellet stove cleaning and PelletBucks) but we also learned so many new ideas for how to repurpose bags!

The photo to the left was our contest winner’s submission. This photo illustrates how she uses her empty bags for sorting her 
TerraCycle Brigade recycling. It looks like she uses an empty diaper box for sorting as well! The Terracycle Brigade program collects previously non-recyclable or hard to recycle waste, with free shipping as well as a donation for each piece of garbage recycled.

We loved that she takes extra time and care for not-so-simple recycling, and that our empty Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellet bags are a part of her process!

Although not everyone could come in first place, we loved all the ideas! Here are some of the ways our fans repurpose (or upcycle) their bags:

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Upcycled Pellet Bag Challenge: Win a FREE Pellet Stove Cleaning!

upcycle, earth day

Earth Day is such a wonderful reminder for everyone to help protect the environment. And upcycling – the conversion of useless products back into something of value – is a great way to live environmentally friendly, and also be budget conscious. We want to know: How Do You Upcycle Your Empty Wood Pellet Bags? If you tell us here, you could win a FREE professional pellet stove cleaning. We will choose our favorite submission on April 25th!

Earth Day wood pellet Upcycle

Are you handy with a sewing machine? Check out this tarp made entirely of empty wood pellet bags! This Maine blogger saved up her bags, cut them to lay flat, and sewed them together to make a very sturdy tarp for her compost pile! The heavy plastic apparently helps the pile heat up and break down quicker.

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5 Factors Driving Wood Pellet Fuel Prices

Like any fuel, the price of wood pellets will inevitably fluctuate. However, even with their increasing popularity (pellet production has significantly increased over the last few years) wood pellet prices don’t get nearly as much attention as other fuels such as heating oil.  We realize our customers might have some questions about what factors determine wood pellet price changes. As always, we prefer to keep our customers as informed as possible. So, here are the top five factors influencing wood pellet pricing:
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Spring Stock Up Sale: Don’t miss out!

wood pellets online, wood pellets sale, woodpellets.com Now that Spring is finally here, it’s time for the Woodpellets.com Annual Spring Stock-up Sale! We encourage all of our customers, and potential customers, to stock up now. Buying pellets now will not only save you money, but it will keep you prepared for what the next heating season may bring.

The Stock-Up Sale will save you $15 per ton on softwood pellets, and $5 per ton on hardwood pellets.

Type in your zip code at www.woodpellets.com to get pricing and delivery options in your area. Or, you can always give us a call at 1-800-PELLETS (800-735-5387). We would love to hear from you!

If you’re concerned about storing your pellets this summer, don’t worry!  Check out our wood pellets summer storage tips.


Pellets must be ordered by 4/30, and delivery by May 15th must be agreed to. Some delivery dates may vary depending on the region.

Walk-in Bag Sales Now Available in Manchester NH

Wood Pellets Manchester, NH Demer's Garden Center

Starting April 2, 2014: Wood pellets are now available for walk-in pick-ups at Demer’s Garden Center (656 S Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH).  No pre-pay required, and no more bag limits!

Although calling 1-800-PELLETS ahead of time is not required, we recommend you still call to place your order for your bags. This will ensure availability of your desired pellet type, and will also make the process easier when you pick-up.

At this time for Manchester walk-ins, Cleanfire Hardwood, Granules LG and Cleanfire Pacific brands are available. If you would like to order more than single bags (a ton/skid or more) please call 1-800-PELLETS (800-735-5387) to pre-order. If you prefer to just buy your desired amount of single bags, Demer’s Garden Center can take your information. Either way, you have the option of picking up your pellets at Demer’s.


Manchester, NH Pellet Pickup on Tuesday, April 1st: How to Order

Woodpellets.com is opening phone lines for pellet pickup orders at Demer’s Garden Center in Manchester, NH on MONDAY, March 31st at 8:30am. Prepayment is required, and customers must be able to pick up the order on TUESDAY the 1st between 5pm and 6pm.

NH Pellet PickupQuantities are limited, and orders will be allocated to the first phone orders. There is a 15 bag per customer maximum at this time for pickups.

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