1. Make sure your wood and pellet stoves are safe to operate.
Regular inspections are necessary to ensure that these devices are running with maximum safety and efficiency. There are certain things you can check out yourself. Inspect stovepipes and check for corrosion, holes, or loose joints. Look for signs of deterioration or looseness. Check for signs of rust or cracking in the stove’s body or legs.Ā For a thorough cleaning and inspection, hire a professional.
2. Have a house fire plan.
This is the time to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working and have fresh batteries. If you haven’t done so already, install detectors on each floor of your home or apartment. Also, keep at least one fire extinguisher in an accessible area, and be certain everyone knows where it is. Check your extinguisher each year and replace it if there is any damage. Definitely replace it if its over 5-6 years old.
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