Your Fall Home Safety Checklist

1. Make sure your wood and pellet stoves are safe to operate.

Regular inspections are necessary to ensure that these devices are running with maximum safety and efficiency. There are certain things you can check out yourself. Inspect stovepipes and check for corrosion, holes, or loose joints. Look for signs of deterioration or looseness. Check for signs of rust or cracking in the stove’s body or legs.Ā For a thorough cleaning and inspection, hire a professional.

2. Have a house fire plan.

This is the time to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working and have fresh batteries. If you haven’t done so already, install detectors on each floor of your home or apartment. Also, keep at least one fire extinguisher in an accessible area, and be certain everyone knows where it is. Check your extinguisher each year and replace it if there is any damage. Definitely replace it if its over 5-6 years old.
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Is Your Stove Ready for the Heating Season?

Your Pellet Stove Needs CareIt’s inevitable: the nights are cooler, the days are shorter. Fall is coming quickly and it’s time to get ready for the 2014-15 heating season. You may have already secured your wood pellets and/or wood bricks, and that’s great! But before you start up your stove for the season, you should seriously consider a professional 8-point cleaning and inspection.Ā Ā If you have not already had your stove serviced – and we mean professionally cleaned – since last heating season, we strongly recommend that you do.
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The Easiest Way to Get (at Least) $25 Off Your Next Order!

ReferralHave you heard about our referral program? You can get $25 in credit added to your account every time you successfully refer a new customer to!

Once your friend’s first order is delivered, you will automatically be credited $25 for your next order. So, if you’re happy with our service, our products and our convenient delivery…you can benefit.
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How to Dine Out and Stay Healthy

It’s not always easy to make healthy choices when you’re out to eat. Large portions, heavy sauces, fried sides…it’s all very tempting. However, if you go in prepared – healthy choices are easier to make! Here are a few quick tips on how to make healthy choices when dining out:

1. If you’re at a restaurant with inevitably large portions, then ask for a to go box as soon as your food arrives. Place part of your food in the box immediately, and put it aside. This way, you won’t be as tempted to eat the entire plate in front of you. If you’re really still hungry, you can always dig in to the extra food, but this will cut down on the chances of eating more even when you’re full.

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How to Store Wood Pellets Inside and Outside

Storing Wood Pellets Inside

We recommend storing your fuel inside in a dry area free from flooding, mold, and excessive humidity. Inside storage is really your best bet for efficient storage. If you have the space, reuse the wooden pallet your fuel arrived on. Place it in a dry area, put cardboard over the pallet, and stack your bags on top. The pallet is built to hold weight, so you can stack your pellets nice and high.Ā 

IndoorWoodPelletStorageThe wooden pallet is an almost square shape, at 40 by 48 inches, which might not be ideal for your space. Sometimes it’s more practical to ditch the pallet and stack in a narrow space, as pictured. (Check out our Pinterest page to see some
ways to re-use wood pallets!)
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Have Dinner On Us! $50 Gift Card

Darden RestaurantsWe all know hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill are great in the summer. Sometimes, however, it’s nice to let someone else do the cooking. For the whole month of July, if you buy three or more tons, will send you a $50 Darden restaurants gift card to have dinner out on us.

Leave the kids with a sitter for date night, or bring them with you for a family night out on the town! You need quality wood pellets delivered for the heating season, and in this case, the early bird gets the meal. Secure your fuel in July and let us reward you!Ā Give your grill a rest.

Redeem your gift card atĀ RedĀ LobsterĀ®, Olive GardenĀ®, LongHorn SteakhouseĀ®, Bahama BreezeĀ®, Seasons 52Ā® or any other Darden restaurant. Full list
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How to Make a Water Blob Out of Empty Pellet Bags

Water Blob DIYSummer is here, the weather is warm and your kids need some entertaining. Have you heard of water blobs? They are an easy and inexpensive way to keep children busy and cool outside.

Water blobs are literally big blobs of water. Typically, they are made of two plastic painter’s tarps duct taped or fused together, then filled with hose water and sealed up. (Tutorial here) The blobs are great for laying and jumping on, and even exploring for the smaller kids if you put some colorful foam toys inside.

You may have read our blog about what to do with empty wood pellet bags. For summer, we thought of a way to use your WoodPelletBagWaterBlobpellet bags for this popular water blob trend!

See below for a step by step tutorial on how to make a water blob out of those empty wood pellet bags you might have laying around from the heating season.

What you’ll need:

  • At least 8 empty pellet bags. You’ll need more for a larger blob of course.
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Parchment paper
  • Duct tape


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The Top 10 Grilling Tools You Never Knew You Needed

Wood_Pellet_GrillIt’s grilling season! Have you heard of wood pellet grills? We used to have a small one at our office for Cookout Fridays…which was great! It really gave a wonderful smoky flavor to our food. Like any grill, the cost ranges from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. The one pictured to the left is from Costco (courtesy of the Costco Couple).

Even if you don’t have a wood pellet grill – you might have a grill in general. We have compiled a list of 10 really nifty grill accessories. Some really useful, and some a little over the top.


Here are the grilling tools you never knew you needed…in no particular order:

Multi Grilling Tool

1.Ā Multi Grilling Tool:Ā For the griller with no time to switch between tongs, a fork and a spatula. People are hungry…there is no time to waste! (

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8 Steps to a Safe and Clean Wood Pellet Stove

Dirty Wood Pellet Stove

Picture courtesy of @KerryBioFuels

Aside from the usual ashĀ removal and general maintenance, your wood pellet stove needs additional care in order to operate efficiently and safely. Although many stove owners believe their own cleaning techniques are sufficient, and some perhaps are, the fact remains that some things should be left to trained professionals.

Think of it like service for a car. There are some car owners who can adequately handle his or her own engine service. However, engines are typically best taken care of within the hands of honest, experienced professionals.

Check out this pellet stove chimney clog to the left. Just because pellet stoves burn with less creosote buildup than wood stoves, it doesn’t mean the stove doesn’t need attention. (The picture is from a stove with over four years with no professional cleaning and inspection.) Dramatic, perhaps…but you get our point.

We have broken down the 8 steps needed to keep your pellet stove running safe and at optimal efficiency.

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