How Wood Bricks Burn with Firewood (Video)

Wood bricks can be used alone or as a supplement to firewood in a wood stove. This video is comprised of a series of clips filmed over 75 minutes. A smoldering piece of mostly burned-through firewood is in the back, with three Cleanfire Wood Bricks stacked in front. There is no kindling or assistance needed, due to the already hot firewood ash bed.

It’s important to remember that whether used alone or with firewood – wood stoves should not be packed tight with wood bricks. Don’t be fooled by their size. Wood bricks pack a super hot punch – which can damage a stove if used incorrectly. We recommend testing brick and/or brick+firewood burning variations to find the best fit for your stove.

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New England Firewood in Short Supply – Many Switching to Wood Bricks

New England use of Fire wood in Wood Stoves “At some places, it was just a recorded message: ‘We have no firewood for the season.’ ” a Natick resident explained to the Boston Globe about her trouble finding firewood. Unfortunately for wood stove owners, she’s far from alone in her struggle. The Northeast is experiencing another tight supply of firewood this year, and what’s available costs up to 25% more than it did last year.

While it’s an inconvenience for those using firewood as an ambiance enhancer – it’s much more serious for many New Englanders in need of wood heat for their homes. Census data reports wood used as a main heating source has increased most notably in the Northeast. According to the
report, “All nine states in the New England and the Middle Atlantic Census divisions saw at least a 50% jump from 2005 to 2012 in the number of households that rely on wood as the main heating source.” Although the demand for firewood has overloaded the supply of late – there is an alterative.

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Quick Wood Pellet Delivery – In Time for Bitter Cold Weather

Pellet Stove Heating - Fast Delivery

Bitter cold temperatures in the Northeast have been relentless of late, and pellet burners are understandably cranking up stoves to keep warm.  The colder the weather, the more pellets you’ll be burning. As your supply dwindles, make sure that you are ordering your pellets from somewhere that can get you your pellets quickly. (We’re very happy to report that in most service regions, delivery is now within one week!) Stay ahead of your supply level and order before you’re out, or close to being out.

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Wood Pellet Delivery Peak Season FAQs

It’s the time of year where the phones are steadily ringing, and we are talking with many new and returning customers. Due to other retailers running out of wood pellets and the time of year, our phone call volumes have significantly increased. The team is always happy to get you the answers you are looking for, so we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions we are hearing during this seasonal rush.

Wood Pellet Delivery1. Do you have wood pellets to sell me?

If you type in your zip code on our website, or tell us on the phone, you will receive a list of available inventory in your area. You might see “Backordered” or “Sold Out” at times. However, if we tell you on the phone or you see online that pellets are available – that means we have them. We would never knowingly sell wood pellets or wood bricks that aren’t available.

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The First Day of Fall is Here

Happy Heating SeasonToday is the first official day of Fall! This means it’s time for apple picking, pumpkin carving and soon…..firing up your wood and/or pellet stoves!

We can assure you that we are working diligently to get orders out to our customers as quickly as we can. However, pellets cannot be delivered immediately after ordering. (Lead times vary by region.) If you haven’t ordered your wood pellets or wood bricks yet, we strongly encourage you do so as soon as possible in order to secure your fuel and get into our delivery queue. It’s not our supply we are warning you about, because we have considerably more pellets than our customers have ordered from us, at any given time. We are just providing a friendly reminder to place your order sooner rather than later to get higher on our delivery list.

Whether you choose to stick with us this year, try us out for the first time, or order elsewhere…order as soon as you’re able. Our customer service representatives are standing by at 1-800-PELLETS, and our website ( is always available for orders, 24/7.


Thank you, and Happy Fall!

Cleanfire® Wood Bricks – Efficient Wood Stove Heating

Firewood - Cordwood Alternative

The new cordwood alternative fuel for wood stoves is here.  Wood Bricks by Cleanfire burn hotter, cleaner, and longer than the equivalent amount of firewood without using any accelerants. Cleanfire Wood Bricks will make heating with wood much much easier and cleaner.

What makes Cleanfire Wood Bricks better than cordwood?

Made of kiln-dried, super-condensed recycled wood chips and sawdust, these bricks produce cleaner-burning, longer-lasting heat than cord wood alone. The biggest reason for the better performance of our Wood Bricks is the low-moisture content. Unlike cordwood, Cleanfire Wood Bricks do not lose heat evaporating the water trapped in the wood fiber. Instead, more heat is made available to warm your home. Read more

Wood Bricks: The Hotter, Cleaner Alternative to Cord Wood

What are wood bricks?, wood brick fuel, biomass bricks

Wood bricks are a fantastic alternative to burning cord wood.  Made of kiln-dried, super-condensed recycled wood chips and sawdust, they can be burned by themselves or added to cord wood to produce cleaner-burning, longer-lasting heat than cord wood alone. Because they are manufactured for optimal burning, they produce more heat than logs and consistently come with low moisture and high quality.


Why should I switch from cord wood?

Wood Bricks vs. Cord Wood

(click to enlarge)

Convenience: Cords of wood are usually delivered to you in a pile dumped on your lawn or driveway. Then the moving, stacking (and sometimes splitting) follows. Even more time and effort is added if you have to season your logs before use. Also, one pound of biomass bricks is equal to 1.7 pounds of cordwood in terms of how much heat you get. This gives you 70% more room for the same amount of heating fuel!

  • Wood Bricks are delivered in a neat clean packaging on a pallet. Depending on the brand of biomass brick, the ton is typically comprised of 50 packages of 20 bricks. They can remain on the pallet, or the ton can be split up for quick stacking in tight spaces.

Cleanliness: Not only are biomass bricks environmentally clean, but also clean for your home: bricks are bark-free and bug-free. Wood chips and sawdust are the only components in the kiln-fired bricks, which means there is no chance for insects to make homes in them. Firewood can bring a variety of insects such as wasps, ants and beetles into your home. This is why campsites do not allow cord wood to be brought in for campfires.

  • Handy Camping Tip: Packages of biomass wood bricks can be brought camping, and happen to be excellent for campfires. Bricks light quickly, burn clean and burn hot. The hot ash bed alone (which is perfect for cooking food and s’mores over) from burning bricks puts out more heat than a log on fire!

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