Ideas for Your Leftover Pellet Bags and Wood Pallets
Now that we’re in the final months of the 2017-18 heating season, you might have a pile of empty wood pellet bags and wood pallets around. Do you have pellets set aside that were damaged by water? Here’s why you shouldn’t just throw out water damaged wood pellets.
As for the empty bags – if you’d like to try and recycle them, check with your local transfer station to see what the protocol is. The wood pallets your fuel was delivered on could be handy to keep around for re-stacking pellets later, because the bags should never be placed directly on the floor in your storage area. But what if you wanted to “upcycle”, and reuse empty bags and pallets for something new?
Upcycling is the conversion of useless products back into something of value. It’s a great way to be both environmentally friendly and budget conscious. We’ve tested out many DIY projects, and gotten some great ideas from our customers. Here are some of our upcycling posts:
How to Make a Pallet Tarp Out of Wood Pellet Bags
How to Make a Water Blob Out of Empty Pellet Bags
DIY Empty Wood Pellet Bag Jump Rope
Helpful Customer Ideas for Repurposing Wood Pallets
How to Make a Wood Pallet Christmas Tree
9 Wood Pallet Repurposing Projects to Try
Make DIY Goody Bags Using Empty Wood Pellet Bags
How to Make an Empty Wood Pellet Bag into a Kite
Video: Easy DIY Wood Pallet Shelf
How to Spook Up Your Halloween Decor with Wood Pallets
Clearly there are so many ways to re-use what you might otherwise throw away. All you need is a little creativity, some time and (sometimes) a few tools. Do you have any ideas to share? Let us know on the Facebook page!
Home Brew Bottle Holder Made from a Wood Pallet
We love how creative our customers are. Have you seen our recent blog showing off some of their ideas on how to reuse wood pallets? Check out this project submitted by Kevin, of Massachusetts:
He explains, “I’ve been a home-brewer for more than 30 years. We all have cases for 12 oz bottles, but not for the larger ones that come in a variety of shapes. It was very labor intensive but worth it to make my own cases that hold 8 big bottles each. These two stack on top of each other. Each case will turn out a little different from the last because or the varying dimensions of the pallet wood.”
Do you have any pallet reuse projects you’d like to share? We invite you to post them to our Facebook community!
Helpful Customer Ideas for Repurposing Wooden Pallets
Whether you order in increments of 50 wood pellet bags (1 ton) or 75 bags (1.5 tons) – they will be delivered on wooden pallets. Recently, we asked our customers to submit photos to our
Facebook page of how they reuse their pallets and wood pellet bags for a chance to win a free delivery voucher. Check out our favorites below!
Long Outdoor Table: Todd, a customer from New York, explained: “We needed a table for a get together. Rather than buying more wood, I used left over studs for the frame, and pallet wood around it.”
Upcycled Pellet Bag and Wood Pallet Challenge
How to Spook Up Your Decor Using Wood Pallets
The leaves are changing, the days are shorter, the air is crisp, and costumes are flying off shelves. We like to call this time of year HeArTh-O-wEeN! Lots of spooky decorations are everywhere, but did you know you can use that your leftover wood pallets from your delivery to really kick it up a notch?
Read >> Halloween Wood Pallet Decorations
Here’s a new one – an Underground Dungeon Illusion! You only need a little time and a few provisions to make it.
Read more
How to Make a Wood Pallet Christmas Tree
Have you seen any of our posts about how to reuse wood pallets and empty wood pellet bags? Or have you checked out our DIY Pinterest board?
Well, here’s a new project for you – courtesy of Irene from New York. She’s a customer of ours (look at those beautiful
Cleanfire Pacific bags in the background of her picture!) and she created an incredible Wood Pallet Christmas Tree decor project. She was kind enough to share her how-to with us, so we could share it with you!
How to Use Pallets for Hearthoween (Halloween) Decor
October is here! Stores are packed with an endless supply of candy, costumes are available at every turn, and many houses are starting to look festive for the 31st. (We like to refer to it as Hearthoween!) We’ve told you about some great DIY wood pallet projects before, but did you know you can use your leftover wood pallets as spooky decorations? We have compiled our four favorite ideas, in no particular order below.
1. Creepy Temporary Wall
Spook Factor: 5
Now here’s an easy way to make your house look totally different – and very eery. There are some variations on how you could do this, but the simplest way is to stack the pallets upright and zip-tie them together.
After securing your temporary wall, add your fog machines and back lighting of your choice. This photo shows some extra scary pizazz with dirty netting. Now is the time to get creative with your embellishments!