Plan Ahead for Christmas Tree Removal with a Wood Pellet Delivery Shroud

Use the shroud cover from your ton of wood pellets as a Christmas tree clean-up tool!You can always re-use empty pellet bags and wood pallets for DIY projects – but what about the shroud that comes wrapped around your pellet delivery? It can come in really handy this time of year.

Hauling out the Christmas tree after the holidays can be a messy, arduous task. On top of being repeatedly poked with sharp branches, the dried out needles get absolutely everywhere. With a little tweak ahead of time, you can avoid this headache.

Simply position the shroud on the floor where the tree will go, and roll up the sides in order to hide it under the tree skirt. When you’re ready to take the tree out – you’ll have this heavy plastic in place to help. Simply unfurl the shroud up and around the tree to cover and secure it for removal!

Happy Heating!

How to Safely Re-Stack Wood Pellet Bags Customer Re-Stacking Techniques

Many folks don’t have the space to keep their wood pellet fuel stacked on pallets as delivered. Although storing wood pellets outside is possible and very common, we’ve noticed our customers often have our delivery drivers place the skids near an entrance to the house for re-stacking inside.

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How to Keep Wood Pellets Stored Safely Outside 

Read >> Customer Tip: How to Easily Move Pellet Bags into the Basement 

In order to demonstrate a bag stacking method within a small space, we placed 3 whole tons of wood pellets (150 bags) in a 6 foot wide space using a very simple hand-stacking technique, described below.
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Coming Soon: A Special Tarp Designed to Cover and Protect Your Wood Pellet Fuel!

Many folks don’t have space in their homes, sheds or garages for bulky pallets of pellet fuel. For years we’ve been reminding our customers that it’s safe to store your wood pellets outside, as long as you secure a sturdy tarp over them.

Read >> How to Store Your Wood Pellets Outdoors

Read >> The Basics of Proper Wood Pellet Storage

But what if the tarp isn’t properly treated to keep the sun from damaging the inner layers of plastic? Or what if the tarp’s shape doesn’t fully cover the pallet of pellets? Will the edges of the tarp fly up and expose your fuel to the elements? Won’t it be difficult to access the pellets if I properly secure the tarp? Pallet Cover

We have heard your concerns and we have designed a solution, which will be exclusively available from! These sturdy UV-treated tarps are made to fit perfectly over your wood pellets as they’re delivered on pallets. Plus, one side has a very convenient strip of velcro to make opening up the tarp to access your fuel a breeze.

The entire team is very excited to announce these special pallet covers will be available soon – in both 1.5 ton and 1 ton sizes!

Wet Wood Pellets to Compost: Making Lemonade from Lemons

We always remind our customers to do a full inspection after delivery because punctures/tears can happen during the delivery process. If you find any damage to your wood pellets, call 1-800-PELLETS right away. But don’t worry…all Quality Certified fuels are backed by a Quality Guarantee!

Here’s what Barb from New York decided to use her damaged wood pellet bags for:

“In 2016 I had damaged pellets which you took care of for me and gave me permission to compost. I’d like to share with you what happened to some of those pellets.

I had a small wildflower garden at the edge of my walkway which was overrun with some very invasive & nasty weeds. I decided to put a raised bed in place there and try to rescue some summer blooming with Heart-Leafed Asters which were being run out by the weeds.

I thought I only had 6 bedraggled specimens left. Well, I rescued 48 struggling seedlings as I dug the mess up.I put in a 4’x8′ two-level raised bed, lots of landscaper’s cloth and a good layer of those composted pellets. I mixed it all up and transplanted all 48 seedlings into their spots in the raised beds.

All 48 Asters survived, grew to about 3′ high and bloomed profusely! This is their 3rd year of doing the same. Expensive compost to be sure but at least it didn’t go to waste. The flowers put on quite a show.”

Read >> Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Wet Wood Pellets

Read >> Wood Pellets Used as Moisture-Holding Mulch

We love reading feedback from our customers, especially when we get some great tips/ideas. Do you have any to share? 

How to Stretch Out the Cost of Wood Pellet Fuel Over Several Months

Much like with any fuel purchase – buying your wood pellets or wood bricks for the heating season can be a significant expense. The Flex Savings Plan (FSP) was created to make saving up for that large order easier.

Enrolling in the FSP gives you the ability to save up over time with adjustable monthly deposits to your account. Once you decide you’re ready to order, all those deposits have added up to an account credit which will be applied to your fuel order.

 Flex Savings Plan Benefits

  • Custom Plans: Your monthly payment amount can be adjusted at any time, and you decide how long to participate!
  • Easy Budgeting: Spread out that large payment over months! Your accumulated credit will be applied to your next order. 
  • No Risks: This plan was designed to help our customers, but you might change your mind. Suspend or cancel at any time!

The Flex Savings Plan is still new and unique within the wood pellet market – so we understand you might have some questions. We have compiled the most common questions about the FSP below. Feel free to post your own questions in the comment section!

How does the Flex Savings Plan work?

The plan works by automatically making a monthly deposit using an electronic check or credit card into your credit account in any amount over $25 that you are comfortable with. Each deposit is added to your account as credit to use on your next purchase. When you are ready to order, your accumulated credit amount will be deducted from the order balance.

The only wood pellet budgeting program in the industry!Are there any fees or hidden costs?

The FSP is a free way to help you budget for your fuel purchase. Your payment amounts are decided by you, and there are no extra fees. Think of it like a Christmas Club savings account; but one you use for your wood pellet fuel instead of presents.

How long does the plan last?

You can participate for as many months as you wish! When you place your order, you can just let us know if you’d like to continue or not. If you discontinue your plan, you can sign back up again whenever you’re ready. At any point, you can decide to opt out of the Flex Savings Plan, too. You’ll be refunded all of your accrued credit, less a 5% transaction fee.

Do I have to save a certain amount before ordering?

No – it’s up to you how much you want to save up. Most enrollees design their plan to cover the entire fuel order cost – but that is not mandatory. The duration of your specific plan and your monthly amount is completely up to you! We just require payments of at least $25.

I want to enroll now – but I don’t know what type or how much fuel I’ll be ordering yet.

That’s okay – because when you sign up for the Flex Savings Plan, you are not placing an order. When a professional helps you start your plan – you’ll just choose your payment type, the day you’d like your first payment to go through, and the amount you’d like to contribute each month. Later, whether you’ve accumulated $100 or $1000 in account credit, you can place your order whenever you’re ready.

Can I place my order now and apply FSP payments to that order?

No, sorry. The Flex Savings Plan is for future orders only – and we are unable to apply future payments to current orders.

Is it too late to change my payment amount? 

As long as your amount is at least $25, you can change your amount at any point during your plan. We named this program the Flex Savings Plan for a reason…it’s flexible! Just call 1-800-735-5387 to speak to a professional. He or she can make adjustments for you, and answer any questions you might have.


How do I sign up?

Getting started is easy. Call 1-800-PELLETS to enroll now!


Please see more FAQs and Terms and Conditions, here.

Maximize Your Pellet Heat Efficiency and Budget with a 3 Ton Bundle

Are you a hardwood burner curious about the high heat and low ash of premium softwood pellets? Have you never experienced the exceptionally clean burn of pellets made with douglas fir wood fiber?

We created our 3-ton pellet bundles to help our customers be economical…and strategic! Heating your home through the season by matching the pellet heat output with the time of year will maximize efficiency.

The Savvy Saver includes two tons of the always reliable Cleanfire Hardwood and one ton of Cleanfire Pacific – a premium softwood pellet fuel and best seller.

The Power Pack best sellers bundle is a convenient option for jumpstarting your strategic wood pellet heating plan – perfect for anyone thinking about trying the “Cadillac of Wood Pellets”.

The Blazin’ Bundle includes one ton of Cleanfire Pacific – a best seller, and two tons of Hot Shots Douglas Fir – a super hot wood pellet with a fast-growing fan base.

Treat your beloved pellet stove to a season of clean, powerful heat! Choose the bundle that fits your needs AND choose the month you’d like delivery!


Questions? Call 1-800-PELLETS to Speak to an Expert!



*Product availability and pricing vary by region. No substitutions on bundles. Offers can’t be combined.*

Order Wood Pellets Early and Pick Your Delivery Month – or Wait and Pickup Yourself?

Do you typically pick up your wood pellet fuel? If so, have you really broken down the actual cost comparison of pick-up vs. delivery? Of course, coming home from work to see your wood pellets already neatly placed in your driveway is much more convenient, but it comes at a price.

Delivery or Pickup?Depending on where you live and where you buy your pellets, wood pellet and wood brick pick-up and delivery may be available as an option for you. If you are ordering from, the website or one of our Customer Service representatives will let you know your options depending on where you live.

Our customers will often ask if the delivery fee is worth it.  After years of experience walking through the pros and cons, team members have decided to put together a cost comparison formula:Delivery Vs Pickup Formula

Here are the following variables to keep in mind when crunching your own numbers:

  • Miles Roundtrip: This is the total distance traveled from your house to the pickup location and back.
  • Mileage Cost: Use the average miles/gallon you get in your vehicle, or calculate based on the IRS standard mileage rate for the year.
  • Cost per Hour: How much is your time worth? How might you be spending those hours if you weren’t busy picking up your fuel? Would you be earning money working? Spending time with your family? Getting house and yard work done? You might argue that your time is priceless. However, most people put some value on their time, so we typically use a $10 per hour example as the value of otherwise free time. 
  • Hours Spent: This is based on how far away you live from the pickup location, and loading/unloading time there and at home.
  • Ton(s) Loaded Per Trip: Most vehicles equipped for this task can carry between a half ton and one ton. Determine how much yours can take per trip.
  • Tons Used Annually On Average: Three to four tons is the most typical order size for customers. How much do you burn each heating season?

Another way to look at a delivery fee is by breaking down the added cost per bag – instead of on your order total:

If you divide a delivery charge of $59 across a standard order size of 3 tons…that’s only an added 39 cents per bag!

As always, if you have any questions…give us a call at 1-800-PELLETS! We are happy to assist you.


Look How This Customer Reuses Wood Pallets

If you’ve received a pellet fuel delivery, you may have wondered what you could do with the leftover wood pallets. Stephen B. of Massachusetts (a customer) showed us a few of his pallet projects:

Pooch Assistance

“The first is a doggie tunnel I made to give clear passage for the dog in the winter. The outside has plastic sheeting from a pellet shipment. Skye is our dog. When the weather is poor the tunnel helps her to get out of the doggie door.”

Wood Pallet Dog Tunnel

Treehouse Hangout

“Here you see the pallet frame with the roof and porch framed. In the next photo I have the metal roof up and I’m getting ready for the siding. I used lots of other repurposed materials: old staircase from play system, telephone poles for supports, cedar fence panels, old doors.”

Wood Pallet Treehouse DIY

Clearly this structure is a large scale project. Stephen explains, “Been chipping away at the treehouse for a few seasons now. Free time is not too abundant.”

DIY Wood Pallet Bottle OpenerHe also somehow found the time to create this handy bottle opener to hang on the wall. As if we weren’t already impressed, he tells there’s a pellet bin project in the works too. Stay tuned for an update on that!

Do you have any wood pallet DIYs to share?

Tell us about them in the comments or on our Facebook page!

Use Different Wood Pellets Throughout the Season to Burn Strategically

The demand for wood pellets made from douglas fir wood fiber has been increasing in recent years, regardless of the
higher price tag. These pellets have a significantly low ash content and a super hot heat output, making for an impressive burn experience.

See Chart >> Dry BTU Values by Wood Type

Pellets with a lower heat output are typically less expensive, while the ultra premium douglas fir wood pellets are far pricier. Many of our customers have been ordering multiple types of pellets for the heating season to coincide with the weather (saving the douglas fir wood pellets for the coldest parts of winter) which is a growing trend we refer to as “burning strategically”.

Average Monthly Temperatures in New England - Suggested Wood Pellet Burn Strategy
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Customer Tip: How to Quickly Move Wood Pellet Bags into the Basement

Wood Pellet Bag Slide Idea

We love how inventive our customers are! Steve of Massachusetts explained,

“I store my pellets in my basement and for a couple years, me and my family would carry 2-3 tons from the driveway, through the kitchen and down the cellar stairs and pile them on pallets. Then I had an idea. I built a slide on the stairs made of 2X4’s and aluminum flashing. We now do 3 tons in under an hour. Two carry and slide them down the stairs and one in the basement stacking!”

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