Top 5 Wood Pellet Myths Explained

Myth #1: Hardwood Pellets are Better than Softwood

Wood Pellets

Preference for hardwood over softwood has its origins in the firewood burning community. It has long been considered better to burn hardwood in your wood stove or fireplace because it provides a longer burn compared to softwood. The main reason that hardwood burns better than softwood in wood stoves/fireplaces has to do with wood density (hardwood is more dense than softwood).

However, with wood pellets the advantages of hardwood are neutralized by the pelletizing process. Both hard and softwood material is dried to the same moisture level, of about 4-5%. Furthermore, regardless of the type of wood used to produce the pellets, the pelletizing process produces wood pellets with the same density.  Once the moisture and density variance has been removed during the manufacturing process, softwood comes out ahead in terms of heat and performance.

But why does softwood produce hotter pellets with less ash? Biomass Magazine explains: “softwood has a higher percentage of resin content than hardwood, which will produce more heat per pound.”

The choice between hardwood and softwood pellets is entirely up to the consumer. There are some very high quality hardwood pellets available in the market that perform very well, but for the most part, softwood pellets will typically provide you with more heat for your money.

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Wood Pellet Delivery Peak Season FAQs

It’s the time of year where the phones are steadily ringing, and we are talking with many new and returning customers. Due to other retailers running out of wood pellets and the time of year, our phone call volumes have significantly increased. The team is always happy to get you the answers you are looking for, so we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions we are hearing during this seasonal rush.

Wood Pellet Delivery1. Do you have wood pellets to sell me?

If you type in your zip code on our website, or tell us on the phone, you will receive a list of available inventory in your area. You might see “Backordered” or “Sold Out” at times. However, if we tell you on the phone or you see online that pellets are available – that means we have them. We would never knowingly sell wood pellets or wood bricks that aren’t available.

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What is Premier Delivery?

Pallet Jack ServicePremier Delivery involves the use of a pallet jack. This special tool is a hand-operated machine that lifts heavy pallets, allowing delivery drivers to pull skids of fuel over flat, hard surfaces (a garage floor). Because of their maneuverability and small size, pallet jacks give you greater flexibility than forklifts to place pallets exactly where you need them.

Pricing and availability for Premier Delivery varies depending on the region. There is an extra fee for this type of delivery, but many customers find it’s well worth the money.

“I’m so glad I went for the pallet jack delivery! Your driver was able to place my wood pellets right next to the door going inside the house. This has saved us a lot of time and effort. Thank you”  -Estelle, MA Customer

Pallet jack wood pellet wood brick delivery
The pallet jack can move over a smooth, solid surface to place your pallets right where you need them. You just have to make sure your garage has an open, clear path in order for the driver to successfully maneuver the pallet jack. Also, it’s important to know that we cannot go down stairs or curbs, or go across grass or dirt with the pallet jack.
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The Easiest Way to Get (at Least) $25 Off Your Next Order!

ReferralHave you heard about our referral program? You can get $25 in credit added to your account every time you successfully refer a new customer to!

Once your friend’s first order is delivered, you will automatically be credited $25 for your next order. So, if you’re happy with our service, our products and our convenient delivery…you can benefit.
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Wood Bricks: The Hotter, Cleaner Alternative to Cord Wood

What are wood bricks?, wood brick fuel, biomass bricks

Wood bricks are a fantastic alternative to burning cord wood.  Made of kiln-dried, super-condensed recycled wood chips and sawdust, they can be burned by themselves or added to cord wood to produce cleaner-burning, longer-lasting heat than cord wood alone. Because they are manufactured for optimal burning, they produce more heat than logs and consistently come with low moisture and high quality.


Why should I switch from cord wood?

Wood Bricks vs. Cord Wood

(click to enlarge)

Convenience: Cords of wood are usually delivered to you in a pile dumped on your lawn or driveway. Then the moving, stacking (and sometimes splitting) follows. Even more time and effort is added if you have to season your logs before use. Also, one pound of biomass bricks is equal to 1.7 pounds of cordwood in terms of how much heat you get. This gives you 70% more room for the same amount of heating fuel!

  • Wood Bricks are delivered in a neat clean packaging on a pallet. Depending on the brand of biomass brick, the ton is typically comprised of 50 packages of 20 bricks. They can remain on the pallet, or the ton can be split up for quick stacking in tight spaces.

Cleanliness: Not only are biomass bricks environmentally clean, but also clean for your home: bricks are bark-free and bug-free. Wood chips and sawdust are the only components in the kiln-fired bricks, which means there is no chance for insects to make homes in them. Firewood can bring a variety of insects such as wasps, ants and beetles into your home. This is why campsites do not allow cord wood to be brought in for campfires.

  • Handy Camping Tip: Packages of biomass wood bricks can be brought camping, and happen to be excellent for campfires. Bricks light quickly, burn clean and burn hot. The hot ash bed alone (which is perfect for cooking food and s’mores over) from burning bricks puts out more heat than a log on fire!

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Cleanfire Douglas Fir – The Cadillac of Wood Pellets has always sold super premium softwood pellets. With more heat and less ash than your typical hardwood pellet, high quality softwood pellets provide a superior burning experience for our customers. But there is one brand of softwood pellets that takes quality to a whole new level – our Cleanfire Douglas Fir.

Introduced in 2012, Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellets are special in many ways. First, these softwood pellets are made from 100% douglas fir material – one of the hottest burning wood species in North America. Check out this chart showing the relative heat output (as measured by BTU/lb) from various wood species.
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5 Factors Driving Wood Pellet Fuel Prices

Like any fuel, the price of wood pellets will inevitably fluctuate. However, even with their increasing popularity (pellet production has significantly increased over the last few years) wood pellet prices don’t get nearly as much attention as other fuels such as heating oil.  We realize our customers might have some questions about what factors determine wood pellet price changes. As always, we prefer to keep our customers as informed as possible. So, here are the top five factors influencing wood pellet pricing:
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Spring Stock Up Sale: Don’t miss out!

wood pellets online, wood pellets sale, Now that Spring is finally here, it’s time for the Annual Spring Stock-up Sale! We encourage all of our customers, and potential customers, to stock up now. Buying pellets now will not only save you money, but it will keep you prepared for what the next heating season may bring.

The Stock-Up Sale will save you $15 per ton on softwood pellets, and $5 per ton on hardwood pellets.

Type in your zip code at to get pricing and delivery options in your area. Or, you can always give us a call at 1-800-PELLETS (800-735-5387). We would love to hear from you!

If you’re concerned about storing your pellets this summer, don’t worry!  Check out our wood pellets summer storage tips.


Pellets must be ordered by 4/30, and delivery by May 15th must be agreed to. Some delivery dates may vary depending on the region.

