Spring Stock Up Sale: Don’t miss out!

wood pellets online, wood pellets sale, woodpellets.com Now that Spring is finally here, it’s time for the Woodpellets.com Annual Spring Stock-up Sale! We encourage all of our customers, and potential customers, to stock up now. Buying pellets now will not only save you money, but it will keep you prepared for what the next heating season may bring.

The Stock-Up Sale will save you $15 per ton on softwood pellets, and $5 per ton on hardwood pellets.

Type in your zip code at www.woodpellets.com to get pricing and delivery options in your area. Or, you can always give us a call at 1-800-PELLETS (800-735-5387). We would love to hear from you!

If you’re concerned about storing your pellets this summer, don’t worry! Ā Check out our wood pellets summer storage tips.


Pellets must be ordered by 4/30, and delivery by May 15th must be agreed to. Some delivery dates may vary depending on the region.

Walk-in Bag Sales Now Available in Manchester NH

Wood Pellets Manchester, NH Demer's Garden Center

Starting April 2, 2014: Wood pellets are now available for walk-in pick-ups at Demer’s Garden Center (656 S Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH).Ā  No pre-pay required, and no more bag limits!

Although calling 1-800-PELLETS ahead of time is not required, we recommend you still call to place your order for your bags. This will ensure availability of your desired pellet type, and will also make the process easier when you pick-up.

At this time forĀ ManchesterĀ walk-ins, Cleanfire Hardwood, GranulesĀ LG and Cleanfire Pacific brands are available. If you would like to order more than single bags (a ton/skid or more) please call 1-800-PELLETS (800-735-5387) to pre-order.Ā If you prefer to just buy your desired amount of single bags, Demer’s Garden Center can take your information. Either way, you have the option of picking up your pellets at Demer’s.


Why Was There a Wood Pellet Shortage? These 10 Reasons Might Surprise You.ā€‹

1. Can You Say Polar Vortex?

Polar Vortex
It wasn’t just cold, it was downright Antarctic. And we heard the same story repeated again and again from our customers – “I thought I had ordered enough wood pellets to get me through this winter, but I came up a ton short”. Now multiply that same experience by the 500,000 stoves in New England and you start to see why there was such a drastic shortage.
Read more

Demers Garden Center Pickup Update

We are currently out of allocation for bag sales this week at Demers Garden Center – but should have new availability as early as Monday, March 17th. Check back with our WoodPellets.com site for the latest information – or give us a call at 1-800-PELLETS. We have customer service representatives available to answer your questions and concerns.

Friday, March 14 UPDATE: Call us at 1-800-735-5387 on Tuesday the 18th to reserve bags for pickup on Wednesday, March 19th!



Is It Too Late to Order Pellets This Winter?

UPDATE: Lead times for delivery service has changed from up to three weeks, to within 7-10 days! Call us at 1-800-735-5387 to place your order now…it’s not too late!

Pellets!The pellets shortage of 2014 has made it nearly impossible to find pellets this March. And even if you live in a region served by our home delivery service, the lead time has now reached three weeks in many areas. But is it too late to order? No.

What we have been telling customers is to “get in line” because nobody knows what might happen in the next couple weeks.

If the shortage ends abruptly and you don’t need the fuel – simply cancel the order. We don’t require any prepayment.

But if the winter continues even longer, or the shortage gets worse – you’ll be glad you secured your place in line.


