Wet Wood Pellets to Compost: Making Lemonade from Lemons

We always remind our customers to do a full inspection after delivery because punctures/tears can happen during the delivery process. If you find any damage to your wood pellets, call 1-800-PELLETS right away. But don’t worry…all Woodpellets.com Quality Certified fuels are backed by a Quality Guarantee!

Here’s what Barb from New York decided to use her damaged wood pellet bags for:

“In 2016 I had damaged pellets which you took care of for me and gave me permission to compost. I’d like to share with you what happened to some of those pellets.

I had a small wildflower garden at the edge of my walkway which was overrun with some very invasive & nasty weeds. I decided to put a raised bed in place there and try to rescue some summer blooming with Heart-Leafed Asters which were being run out by the weeds.

I thought I only had 6 bedraggled specimens left. Well, I rescued 48 struggling seedlings as I dug the mess up.I put in a 4’x8′ two-level raised bed, lots of landscaper’s cloth and a good layer of those composted pellets. I mixed it all up and transplanted all 48 seedlings into their spots in the raised beds.

All 48 Asters survived, grew to about 3′ high and bloomed profusely! This is their 3rd year of doing the same. Expensive compost to be sure but at least it didn’t go to waste. The flowers put on quite a show.”

Read >> Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away Wet Wood Pellets

Read >> Wood Pellets Used as Moisture-Holding Mulch

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