Wood Pellet Pick Up Sale at Demers in Manchester NH

Wood Pellets for Pick Up in NH

Pickup Location: Demers Garden Center
656 South Mammoth Rd. Manchester NH (Click for Directions)
Monday – Friday 8am to 6pm   Saturday 8am to 5pm   Sunday 9am to 3pm

Order by Friday, December 18th to save! Place your order by calling 1-800-735-5387!



Savings are based on a 1-ton pallet pickup order vs. 1-ton of individual bags picked up.
Customer must call ahead of time to pick up by the ton. Payment is due in full at time of order, and all fuel has to be picked up within 7 days of purchase. Sale ends 12/18/15, and is only valid for pickup orders at Demers Garden Center. Promotions cannot be combined.

