8 Nifty Camping Items You Should Consider

Summer is great for all things outdoors – especially camping. Even beginner campers know the gear basics to pack, but what about some fun, extra gadgets? We have compiled our eight favorites, in no particular order below.

1. Light-Up Grill Spatula



Prefer cooking over the grill instead of the campfire? Don’t let the grilling stop when the sun goes down! A spatula with an attached light shines right where you need it – without attracting unwanted bugs with bigger lighting.

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Color and Size Variances Among Wood Pellets

Wood Pellet Colors

Pellet stove heating is so efficient because wood pellet fuel is uniform. However, there are natural and perfectly acceptable variances in both color (and sometimes length) within wood pellets.

Much like snowflakes – no two wood pellets can be exactly the same. Wood pellets can have a variety of colors, depending on the primary species of wood used. Common hardwoods used to make pellets include Maple, Oak, Birch, Cherry, and Beech. Typical softwood raw materials used to manufacture wood pellets are Hemlock, White Pine, Spruce, and Fir. The wood species for the raw materials used to produce either hardwood or softwood pellets is the principle reason for the variety of colors. Pellet colors can range from a pale blonde, to a warm reddish brown, to a dark walnut.

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9 Wood Pallet Repurposing Projects to Try

The average pellet stove owner has three tons of pellets delivered to his or her home on wooden pallets each year. What do you do with the pallets? We’ve shared 20 different ways to reuse the empty wood pellet bags, and even how to use them in a DIY Spring goody bag project – but what about the pallets?

You might have seen some pallet projects floating around online. Some of them take a lot of supplies, time, and serious handiwork. However, many just require some painting, a little hammering and some special touches. Take a look at some of our favorite DIY wood pallet projects!

Floor Book Cases | Difficulty Level: Very Easy


What a great DIY idea for teachers! There’s almost no work involved in this project aside from sanding rough edges and painting. The sanding is important in this case – you don’t want any splinters or sharp edges around little ones.

The pallets display the books for kids at their level, in a neat and easy-to-see way. The varied, colorful paint choices really brighten up the room!

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3 Uses for Wood Pellets (Aside from Heating)

Wood Pellets as Kitty Litter

Wood pellets in the cat’s litter box absorb all the moisture and turns into sawdust. This is easily sifted away as shown in the video below (by Kari Kells). This method saves the dry pellets, which are still usable, to cut down on waste. What an economical (and environmentally friendly) idea!

Traditional clay-based litter tracks easily out of the box and into the house – and is also bad for the environment. Wood pellets are 100% natural with no binders or fillers, and the kiln-dried wood fiber soaks up odor and leaves almost no scent behind.

Wood Pellets as Horse Stall Bedding

Although the word “bedding” is used – horses don’t typically need something fluffy like a bed to lay on. Horse bedding is actually used in stalls to absorb urine and moisture, and is a necessary part of properly maintaining clean stalls.

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Free Wood Pellet Storage for the Summer (It’s Back!)

Order by 7/17 for Free Summer Storage!

In May, Woodpellets.com offered a free summer storage promotion that was wildly popular among our customers. The buy now – take delivery later option was perfect for those who wanted to take care of ordering their fuel early, but didn’t want to give up precious space over the summer for storage.

We received so many requests in June to bring this offer back – we decided to do it! For a limited time only, you can order your wood pellets or wood bricks now, and not have to worry about taking delivery until between August 15th and September 15th!

Why is this offer so popular?

  • Buying now means you’ll be all set for the upcoming heating season. You’re way ahead of the rush that will come later in the season.
  • The current pricing locks-in for you. If prices rise later – it won’t affect you at all.
  • You can enjoy the rest of your summer knowing your pellets are ordered, but you don’t have to even see them yet!

Don’t wait too long – you have to order your wood pellets online or by phone before Friday, July 17th to get free storage!


Order Pellets Online


Call 1-800-PELLETS (800-735-5387) to speak to an expert!

