With Hearth-oween fast approaching, we wanted to explore some clever ways to decorate pumpkins. Whether you don’t like elaborate carving, or you just want a new look, Country Living Magazine had some great ideas.
Here are our six favorite pumpkin projects:
1. Thumbtack Word
Choose a dark color, and paint the entire pumpkin! Trace your word lightly where you’d like the thumbtacks to go, and press decorative thumbtacks along your lines. The shorter the word, the easier to see what it says – eek or boo are some great options.
2. Chalk Art
Pick up some chalkboard paint at a hardware store, or online. It’s a popular trend to use this kind of paint in DIY projects, so there are a variety of kinds to choose from – spray or standard, colored or black, etc. Then, simply grab some chalk and create your design! Create a careful masterpiece with white chalk for your dinner party, or let the kids go crazy with brightly colored chalk!
3. Carved Pumpkin Villlage
Carve the top and scoop out the pumpkin insides, like you would do for a traditional jack-o-lantern. Trace the outline of a house on one side of the pumpkin. Then, draw where you want windows to go. Use a brush to paint the house black within your guides, leaving the windows unpainted. Use a carving tool or small knife to carve out the windows. If you’re really skilled, include window panes! This part should be done by adults only. Place candle votives inside and enjoy your new neighborhood!
4. Fancy Découpage
Choose white gourds, or just paint your regular pumpkins. Use Mod-Podge to découpage pressed flowers or leaves along the top. You might want to use faux pumpkins to keep these creations for every year!
5. Faux Lanterns
Instead of Jack-o-Lanterns, make pumpkin lanterns! Carve the top out and remove the inner pumpkin, as you would for a regular carving. Trace outlines of lanterns, leaving openings for where you’ll carve. Paint the lantern design, and carve out the “glass part! Insert a candle votive and light up steps or walkways! Again, leave the carving part for adults only.
6. Constellation Pumpkin
After removing the top and insides, use hand drills to make holes in varying sizes. If you don’t have hand drills, nails or screwdrivers would work too. Use a knife to make slits in some of the holes for a twinkling star effect! We liked the look of a white pumpkin, but a dark blue painted pumpkin would look great too. A pretty design by day, and a twinkling sky by night with a candle votive!
Show us your work! Send us a picture of your creations in front of your pellet stove, wood stove or fireplace for a chance to win a $50 Darden restaurants gift card!
Full contest details and rules here. Hurry, the winner is chosen on October 31st!