WoodPellets.com has always sold super premium softwood pellets. With more heat and less ash than your typical hardwood pellet, high quality softwood pellets provide a superior burning experience for our customers. But there is one brand of softwood pellets that takes quality to a whole new level – our Cleanfire Douglas Fir.
Introduced in 2012, Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellets are special in many ways. First, these softwood pellets are made from 100% douglas fir material – one of the hottest burning wood species in North America. Check out this chart showing the relative heat output (as measured by BTU/lb) from various wood species.
As you can see, when it comes to heat – Douglas Fir is the king of the hill.
In addition to their superior heating ability, Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellets also have 2-3 times less ash than your average premium grade pellets. Certified quality testing has confirmed ash levels as low as .2 percent! Ash levels this low provide a huge advantage in how often you must clean your stove or fiddle with your burn pot. It’s not uncommon for some customers to burn an entire ton before emptying the ash bucket.
And to ensure that we are delivering the highest quality product possible, we even screen for loose sawdust (fines) not once – but twice, before bagging the pellets. In addition, the rich reddish-brown color combined with their sweet “christmas tree” smell – make them very distinctive.
If douglas fir pellets are so good, why don’t more retailers sell them?

Because douglas fir trees grow mostly in the Pacific Northwest, these pellets must travel a long way to reach us here in the Northeast. As a result, douglas fir pellets incur much higher transportation costs and make it difficult for retailers to offer them on the eastern half of the country. But even though the supply is over 3,000 miles away – that hasn’t stopped us from offering Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellets for sale in New England.
And our customers have quickly fallen in love with the high heat output and extremely low ash.
Here is what some of our customers have told us:
“I started using [Cleanfire Douglas Fir] this week and I noticed a big difference in the heat and quality of the flame I’m getting. No doubt, I’m sticking with Douglas Fir!” -Frank B. of NH
“Just wanted to send a quick note to tell you how happy I am with the pellets I switched to this year; CleanFire Douglas Fir. Cleanest hottest burning pellets I have ever used. Hope you keep these available in the future.” -John R. of MA
“Wow…Unbelievable!” -Rob A. of NH
We understand that these pellets are more expensive, and you may have some reservations. However, much like driving a luxury automobile – the added expense is well worth the overall experience for those burning the “Cadillac” of wood pellets.
Note: Be careful of brands that claim to be a douglas fir “blend” – as some mills will add a small amount of douglas fir material in order to advertise them as douglas fir pellets. There is a large difference between a 100% Cleanfire Douglas Fir pellet and a douglas fir blend. Also, Cleanfire Douglas Fir wood pellets are not available in all regions. Call us or check your zip code online to see availability in your area.
Not sure if Douglas Fir pellets are right for you? Call us at 1-800-735-5387 for a free consultation.