Earth Day is such a wonderful reminder for everyone to help protect the environment. And upcycling – the conversion of useless products back into something of value – is a great way to live environmentally friendly, and also be budget conscious. We want to know: How Do You Upcycle Your Empty Wood Pellet Bags? If you tell us here, you could win a FREE professional pellet stove cleaning. We will choose our favorite submission on April 25th!
Are you handy with a sewing machine? Check out this tarp made entirely of empty wood pellet bags! This Maine blogger saved up her bags, cut them to lay flat, and sewed them together to make a very sturdy tarp for her compost pile! The heavy plastic apparently helps the pile heat up and break down quicker.
There are so many ways to upcycle things you might otherwise throw away, and all you need is a little creativity and (sometimes) a few tools. In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, here are some great examples of upcycling:
Pallets are really versatile objects for re-use. Coffee tables, book shelves, wine racks, and even custom beds are among the many ways to upcycle pallets. This garden planter was our favorite. The rows of plants are perfectly spaced, and if you stack pallets on top of one another, you can save your back! No tools are required for this project – you just fill it with soil and place your plants where you want them.
Here’s another very simple upcycle project, involving empty laundry detergent containers. If you carefully cut the tops off, leaving the handle intact, you’re left with a very sturdy, portable container for places like the garage or shed. In the picture at left, this person has organized screws and nails in a workspace with his or her upcycled labeled detergent containers.
How do you upcycle?
Dont forget to enter the contest here. Tell us how to reuse empty pellet bags!